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本期Part 2 话题


Describe an old person you know who has had an interesting life

You should say:

Who this person is

Where he/she lives

What he/she has done in his/her life

And explain how you feel about him/her



I’d like to tell you about my grandfather, who’s had an incredibly interesting life.

He’s in his 80s now, with a wealth of stories from a time that feels almost like a different world. Born in a small village, he grew up during a period of rapid change in our country, which meant he had to adapt quickly to new ways of life and challenges.

He always tells me about his time in the military, which he joined in his twenties. It was a demanding period, but he says it taught him resilience and discipline. During his service, he traveled all over the country and even lived abroad for a while, experiencing places and cultures he’d never imagined as a young boy from a rural area.

After leaving the military, he became a teacher and spent over 30 years in education. His students adored him because he was passionate about helping them succeed and went out of his way to make learning enjoyable.

Today, he’s retired, but he spends his time gardening and writing his memoirs, hoping to leave a record of his journey for future generations. Whenever I visit him, he’s full of wisdom and fascinating tales, and he’s truly one of the most inspiring people I know.

• END •




编辑 | Tangwy



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